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We have a wide range of marijuana, full of indica and sativa strains. The strains rotate from time to time, and the favorites always stay.

The staff has a lot of knowledge about cannabis and all its effects due to their scientific background. You can ask them for a recommendation about the strains you want to try, and they will help you out.

We have joined forces to supply our members with high quality cannabis. We are able to do this because we have the necessary background knowledge and practical experience from approved cannabis cultivation research projects thanks to our professional experience in the pharmaceutical industry. We do not charge an admission fee or a regular membership fee.

Cannamo Cannabis Club e.V. is a non-profit organization, whose main aim is to reduce social and health risks inherent within the black market, by producing different varieties of high quality cannabis without contaminant, and exclusively distribute among the members of our Association.

Many people mistakenly relate Amsterdam’s Coffee Shops with a Cannabis Club in Berlin. The main difference between the two systems is that a Cannabis Club is based on a non-profit organization, and it is only accessible by registered members. Amsterdam’s Coffee Shops, instead, openly sell cannabis to the public.


You want to become a member and fulfill the following conditions:

  • You are at least 21 years old
  • You have been resident in Germany for at least six months

Simply fill out and send to .

There is no admission fee and no membership fee. The association is financed exclusively through the distribution of cannabis to its members.


All the content of this website is provided strictly for information purpose, to give an idea about cannabis clubs in Berlin and should not be considered to promote the use of weed.